He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

Restrictions for self-catering hireage
Whakatū Marae has a restriction for self-catering hireage. We reserve this request for Iwi functions and those who have a personal affiliation with Whakatū Marae. All self-catered hui are pre-approved through the Kaitiaki (having been given guidelines from the marae trust & Poutohuwhakahaere).
Internal booking
Whakatū Marae Whānua Ora services & Kopuawai Te Kohunga Reo
Booking fee
$60 + GST
$150 + GST (Full Day)
$75 + GST (Half Day)
$150 + GST (Full Day)
$75 + GST (Half Day)
Corporate booking hire
Māori enterprise and the like:
Booking fee
$120 + GST
$300 + GST (Full Day)
$150 + GST (Half Day)
$300 + GST (Full Day)
$150 + GST (Half Day)
Refuse removal
$0.78 /person/day
Iwi booking
Functions & personal affiliate groups/persons Booking fee
Booking fee
$60 + GST
$150 + GST (Full Day)
$75 + GST (Half Day)
$150 + GST (Full Day)
$75 + GST (Half Day)
Please note half-day and full-day booking periods are as follows:
Half-day booking
08.00am – 12.00pm
13.00pm – 17.00pm
18.00pm – 22.00pm
13.00pm – 17.00pm
18.00pm – 22.00pm
Full-day booking
when a period extends past the afore-mentioned time periods
e.g. 08.00am – 13.00pm
e.g. 08.00am – 13.00pm
Terms and conditions
Where there are breakages, loss of assets, misplaced equipment or wear & tear outside of general use, Whakatū Marae will charge the group/persons for full replacement of the item/s, where applicable expectation of replacement or payment will be given as a secondary service invoice. Whakatū Marae reserves the right to refuse future bookings from these group/persons until this is cleared.
- Hangi Pit: Whakatū Marae hangi pit is available for groups/persons to hire separately to a formal booking. Where a group has hired facilities such as Mauriora & Kaakati, there is no extra charge for this. The Whakatū Marae Administrator/or Kaitiaki Punirawa will take hangi pit bookings during facilities hireage unless the hiree has indicated that they will be using it.
- Cleaning: With all self-catered bookings, it is expected that the group/persons will ensure all areas and facilities used be cleaned immaculately. In light of the self-catering option, cleaning is party to the approval and access for this booking option. Please note that where the cleaning is less than acceptable, Whakatū Marae will charge the hiree for a cleaner to come in.
- As with all bookings for Whakatū Marae facilities, booking systems will continue to apply such as outlined in part 1.
- The only exception given with self-catering is in time of Hui Mate/Tangihanga where the Kaitiaki/Iwi representatives will meet with a whānau representative to run through the facilities to ensure that all is in place for the whanau pani. This process is different – please refer to Hui Mate/Tangihanga for process & protocol for Whakatū Marae.
How to book
All bookings for the Whakatū Marae need to be made online using this form. If you have questions or need more information please contact us.
Book now