Kia kore koe e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea
Whakatū Marae
Situated on the northern entrance of Te Tai o Aorere* into Whakatū, Nelson.
Whakatū Marae location was developed from a disused site of the 1960's to a beautiful site that houses; Kaakati (whare tupuna), Mauriora (whare kai) , six whare kaumātua, Kopuawai Te Kōhanga Reo, Tūmatakōkiri and Rangikapua buildings that houses offices for our whānau ora services, equipment shed, and ablution blocks. The land area is 10 hectares and is sited at 99 – 121, Atawhai Drive, Nelson.

Opening ceremony of Mauri Ora, Labour Weekend 2005
The common ancestor claimed by many of these Iwi ancestries is Kaakati (also the name of the Whare Tupuna) and is the seventh generation from Hoturoa, Captain of the Tainui Waka.

Laying of the mauri stone for Mauri Ora
Pōwhiri kawa
The pōwhiri kawa observed at Whakatū Marae is Tū Atu Tū Mai (alternating speakers between tangata whenua / mana whenua and manuhiri). Whakatū Marae umbrellas six tangata whenua / mana whenua Iwi namely; Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama, and Te Ātiawa.

Pōwhiri for Trevor Wilson 2008, as the new Pouwhakahaere of Whakatū Marae
Whakatū Marae was constituted under the Incorporated Societies Act of 1908, registered 21 December 1977 and a trust in July 2008.
Since the early beginnings Mātāwaka and the Nelson Community also played a vital role in the establishment of the Marae and continues to support tangata whenua / mana whenua iwi today.
Whare kaumatua were opened in 1991. Development continued and on the 1st of April 1995 the Whare Tupuna, Kaakati was opened, followed by the wharekai, Mauriora, in October 2006. The Gym opened in May 2008 and Whakatū Marae Waka Ama Club was established in 2008. These on-going developments have kept Whakatū Marae vibrant and always on the radar for events, promotions and facilities that will enhance the whānau.
Whakatū Marae provides extensive Whānau Ora services, to whānau whānui within the Nelson / Tasman region.
Since the early beginnings Mātāwaka and the Nelson Community also played a vital role in the establishment of the Marae and continues to support tangata whenua / mana whenua iwi today.
Whare kaumatua were opened in 1991. Development continued and on the 1st of April 1995 the Whare Tupuna, Kaakati was opened, followed by the wharekai, Mauriora, in October 2006. The Gym opened in May 2008 and Whakatū Marae Waka Ama Club was established in 2008. These on-going developments have kept Whakatū Marae vibrant and always on the radar for events, promotions and facilities that will enhance the whānau.
Whakatū Marae provides extensive Whānau Ora services, to whānau whānui within the Nelson / Tasman region.

(*) Taitapu is also another name used by tangata whenua / mana whenua iwi.